Galloping Major Ltd is a company run by military history enthusiasts to design and produce 28mm figures and associated products for discerning wargamers and collectors.
Figures from Galloping Major branded ranges are designed and sculpted by our director Lance Cawkwell, ensuring a continuity of style throughout. Our ranges will continually expand, to provide the breadth, depth and choice that we believe are essential to building outstanding units, forces, armies and collections.
At Galloping Major the introduction of new ranges will not signal the abandoning of further expansion of existing ones, but these will continue to be added to "in parallel".
Manor Farm House
YO25 8HX
Gripping Beast produce high quality 28mm Metal and Plastic Miniatures for painting and playing, from different eras which include Vikings, Saxons, Saga and from the first crusade.
Gripping Beast was founded in 1996. The company currently based at Beast Towers in Evesham. Far from the traditional “lead belt” of miniature companies in and around the Nottingham area.
At Gripping Beast we cover a wide range of historical periods. Ranging from the Wars of the Diadochi, to the Crusades and even the Gallipoli Campaign of the First World War. As we only produce miniature ranges that interest us. We are able to ensure that we get high quality. Historically accurate and complete ranges that we are proud to sell and that our customers can buy into with confidence.
As one of our major loves is the Viking Age (just look at the range of figures & accessories we do for the period!). We are especially proud to be working with our good friends at Studio Tomahawk as the producer of the official SAGA miniatures range.
We are keen supporters of the hobby side of things. As well as supporting tournaments and campaign days around the world. Including SAGA Melee events. If interested in attending, keep an eye on our Facebook page, as places go fast!
Our 28mm ranges cover the periods of the
Hundred Years War
Wars of the Roses
War of the Spanish Succession
Late 17th Century
Jacobite Rebellion
French Indian wars
Seven Years War
American War of Independence
Wars of the Diadochi
First World War
Gripping Beast Ltd is very pleased to announce its acquisition of the ranges designed and manufactured Front Rank Figurines.
Unit 8 Briar Close Business Park
WR11 4JT
HäT Industrie are a producer of 1/72 and 1/32 scale soft plastic and 28mm hard plastic military miniatures and pre-painted 60mm metal miniatures. We strive to design authentic figures of various historical armies suitable for the collector, wargamer or hobbyist. Their uniforms are carefully researched and they look just like miniatures of their real life counterparts. This website is not a listing of product availability. It is informational and only show the list of products past, present and future.
Bellevue, WA
United States
Irregular Miniatures makes 2mm, 6mm, 10mm, 15mm 20mm, 28mm 30mm, 42mm 54mm and 75mm historical, fantasy and science fiction.
All figures cast in white metal.
2mm & 6mm figures in ready based strips.10mm-75mm figures priced & sold individually.
Irregular Miniatures figures sold separately, and there is no minimum order you only have to spend a pound or two to see what our models are like. For this reason we don't send out free samples.
To keep up with the latest news join our Facebook group
Great Edstone
YO62 6NZ
Old Glory 25s, Miniatures are pleased to bring you the entire line of Old Glory Products for Historical Miniature wargaming, including our fine line of resin cast Ships and Buildings from The Old Glory Shipyard (formerly Merrimack). Our products are created and produced by Old Glory Corp in the USA. We have all of the Old Glory 25s, plus all the lines carried by Old Glory including; Command Decision, Magnificent Little Soldier Company "Grand Scale 10", Sash and Saber, and related products. We have added the Blue Moon Manufacturing products for your shopping convenience.
4150 State Route 981
Mt. Pleasant
PA 15666
United States
Old Glory Miniatures UK you will find an extensive collection of Wargames figures and miniatures in a variety of scales and sizes from 1/600th Naval to 40mm Collectors figurines.
Old Glory UK started trading in 1992 so that means we’ve been around for a good few years-selling quality models for wargamers and collectors at reasonable prices. During that time we have run up and down the gamut of history a couple of times and continue to import from Old Glory USA- our original parent company some of the finest wargames ranges available. We now also produce a growing range of items here in the UK including Fireforce Miniatures and Lil’flyin’ Fokker's aircraft models- both of these ranges are still growing. Today we have approaching 5000 individual products on our website in scales from 1/600th Naval through 10mm. 15mm, 25/28mm and 40mm all for prices that won’t break the bank. Our miniatures are mostly metal with some resin vehicles , ships and aircraft and our ranges are truly comprehensive , covering most historical periods from Egypt of the Pharaohs to modern conflicts. Our products are compatible with most historically based gaming systems but are not really specifically tied to any specific games system- so the choice is yours.
Currently our ranges include - 10mm Over 600 packs. Biblical, Macedonian and Punic Wars The Roman Empire and her Enemies, Dark Ages, High Medieval, ECW Marlburian AWI ,Napoleonic. ACW and Zulu War. 15mm Command Decision WW2 and True North WW2.All the major combatants plus many of the smaller countries are represented in a huge range of over 500 items. Tanks Infantry Trucks Guns etc etc. Also Li’l’Flyin’Fokkers aircraft models, 50 WW2 Aircraft kits to the same 1/100th scale as the ground forces.
15mm Post WW2 & Modern We have vehicles and figures suitable for many Modern Conflicts including Vietnam, Arab –Israeli, Gulf War as well as the many Insurgencies and Guerrilla Wars around the Globe since 1945.
15mm Blue Moon A still growing range of larger 15mm models Ranges include Ancient Rome , Marlburian. Great Northern War Seven Years War FIW, AWI ,ACW Old West and Plains Wars . A large and growing Napoleonic range and most recently 19th century British Colonial wars and WW1 “Semi-historical” ranges include Deep Dark African Pirates, Gangsters and the 3 Musketeers.
Old Glory 25/28mm- A large range covering Ancient Egypt to WW1- examples include Carthage , Macedonia. Rome and her enemies. The Age of Arthur, The Pike and Shot era, the English Civil Wars the 18th century , from Marlborough to the AWI Over 400 packs of Napoleonic alone- including Napoleon on a Camel!.
An American Civil war range of over 100 packs and a substantial Colonial range for many of the Colonial wars of the 19th and early 20th centuries. We also own the “Brooks Miniatures” range of 28mm Modern miniatures.
Also available from OGUK is the fine range by Sash and Saber covering the ACW in 28mm and also in 40mm together with other 40mm ranges for such diverse periods as FIW, Dark ages and ECW to name just a few.
We also carry the fine range of 28mm and 40mm Figures by Drabant of Moscow.
Additions to our ranges appear regularly.
Altogether something approaching 5000 different items on the OGUK website.
Roughly a quarter of a million figures in stock at any one time.
Please tour the site and see the vast range of products for wargamers that we have.
Andy Copestake - Old Glory UK
Institute House
New Kyo
County Durham
Old Glory Miniatures USA are "Simply the finest" in meeting your gaming needs. We provide high quality miniatures for all your scenarios: 10mm, 15mm, and 25mm scales are all covered. Aside from miniatures, we also have buildings, ships, rulebooks, and terrain!
P.O. Box 20
Calumet, Pennsylvania
United States
Sash and Saber Castings produces high quality 40mm and 28mm military miniatures for wargamers and collectors. In addition to our popular and ever expanding 40mm catalog. We also feature four 28mm ranges: extensive ACW and French and Indian War ranges, and limited Napoleonic and Seven Years War ranges.
Figures cast in white metal and sold unpainted.
119 Dublin Rd
NC 27609
United States
Siege Works Studios are an Australian games company which produce our own rules and miniatures. We make miniatures in 15mm and 20mm.
7 Sir Tristram Court
Jimboomba, Q'ld