Monsters Fantasy 15mm

Dancing Yak Miniatures
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Dancing Yak Miniatures are a small company of gaming enthusiasts who have dedicated ourselves full-time to bringing you high-quality metal miniatures at affordable prices.

Our goal is to bring your ideas to life by offering a variety of miniatures and services for your gaming needs. Miniatures are sculpted digitally and through traditional methods.

We hope you like what you see and enjoy what we have to offer and that you also like our future lines. We look forward to bringing our miniatures to your tabletops.

Thank you for your time, love, and support.

Why a Kickstarter and what are we offering

On May 22, 2019 at 8:00 PM EST, we will be launching our 10mm & 28mm Chaos/Infernal Dwarf & Hobgoblin Kickstarter campaign.

We believe that Kickstarter is the best way to get this first project off the ground.

For years, we have wanted a Chaos Dwarf army and this has allowed us to bring our unique feel to it. We have bought two 3D resin printers, a vulcanizer, a kiln, supplies, and a workspace.

We are engaged in this as a full time job. This Kickstarter will allow us to continue with other projects and ensure us the ability to deliver the miniatures to you in a timely manner, regardless of any issues that may arise.

Plus, we will be offering a bunch of freebies and stretch goals as exclusives. We will be making the miniatures in metal. We hope you're happy with them.

The products will also be available after the Kickstarter albeit at a higher cost on our online store.

Business Website Address
Lone Gunman Games
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Lone Gunman Games founded in the fall of 2008. The new home of the Armies of Arcana line of miniatures Designed by Thane Morgan and sculpted by Sandra Garrity. We hope to add to these magnificent figures in the coming years as time and money permits.

LGG is the new division of a much older company J H Enterprise's Which started in January of 2001 and has been a recognized retailer in Games and related products. Our interest in the field of recreational gaming goes back much further and covers a wide variety of games.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
641 774 4119
Business Address
1011 N 18th Street
Chariton, Iowa
United States
Microworld Games LLC
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Microworld Games LLC started from very humble beginnings in 2008.  Initially, I had only intended the company to import Dark Realm Miniatures to the US, and perhaps expand to other lines in the future.

As time passed, I started to get the bug to produce miniatures of my own.  A longtime fan of 6mm sci-fi models. I had always wished there were similar offerings for fantasy.  So, armed with very little knowledge. And lots of enthusiasm, I went about emailing casters, mold makers and sculptors to see about getting models made. 

This resulted in our first fantasy release in January of 2009.  Since then, our offerings have expanded to include multiple 6mm fantasy armies. As well as some science fiction options.  The overarching vision for the company is to one day provide the wargaming community with a 6mm fantasy line. That rivals other smaller scales in terms of scope, army choice, and terrain.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
555 555 5555
Business Address
Microworld Games
39-15 Vanore Dr
Fair Lawn
New Jersey
United States