Captains Bold Rules

Captains Bold Rules is a game in which the players take the part of a frigate Captain involved in ship-to-ship combat during the height of the Age of Fighting Sail.

In the process of playing the game. The players consider the types of tactical decisions made by their historical counterparts. And explore the ways in which those decisions may have affected the outcome of single ship combats of that time.

The game takes place on a playing area consisting of hexagonal tiles. Which have a triangular grid superimposed upon them, with lighter colored dots at the vertices. The ships, represented on the playing area by counters, flats or miniatures. And move from dot to dot (referred to in the rules as “points”) along the gray lines of the grid.

Most of the components of the game, included in the files which comprise the game. But the players will need to provide several ordinary 6 sided dice (a dozen or so should be sufficient). And about a dozen small markers of some kind; cardboard counters or coins will work just fine.

These rules were published by War Artisan’s Workshop

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