Gaming Models

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Gaming Models original sculptings are 15mm scale. These miniatures are made with the gamer in mind and are not intended to be fine scale models. Vehicles come fully assembled and painted, and are ready to game with out of the box. Vehicles are made from multiple castings (hulls, turrets, tracks and wheels).

All turrets are pinned and rotate. Vehicles are painted with a basic coat with a wash. They can be unpainted at the buyers request, the price is the same as painted. All vehicles are $5.00. Specialty items such as bunkers, landing craft, the glider and train are priced separately. Also, if you have a wish list of vehicles, let me know and I will try to work them in.

We have been gamers for over 40 years. It all started with military board games. It wasn't long before we were introduced to miniatures. A lot of the vehicles we wanted we couldn't find, so we started to produce them ourselves. We do all of the sculpting from drawings and available photographs.

They are created using modelers foam and styrene plastic. They are all hand detailed and hand riveted. We also do our own mold making, casting and painting. We have a comprehensive line of 15mm WWII German, Russian, British, Italian, American, French and Japanese vehicles. German bunkers should be available in the near future.

Our goal is to provide miniatures for gamers, schools and clubs that need to field large armies at a low cost.

Business Website Address
Business Address
212 33rd Street
United States