
Business Name
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Long Business Description

Foxhole Terrain are located in a small town just outside of Atlanta Georgia - Austell. Janet and I started FHT to have something to occupy Dan's time. I have always enjoyed working with my hands, and I have a lot of experience in scratch building wargaming accessories: buildings, rivers, roads, fences, etc. I also worked for myself as a handyman, so building/sculpting came naturally.

I researched sculpting, mold making, and casting. I am self taught in most aspects of the company. I was able to expand because the resin and mold material was no longer as toxic and it did not require a special workspace and a bunch of other tough requirements. We started in the summer of 1996 with a few products sold on our website. Our first convention was Cold Wars in 1999.

The name, Foxhole Terrain, did not originate from my last name. I took a break from gaming to get back into live music. I have played drums for 35+ years. It was one of my first loves. We have a full basement, so I turned it into a large music room.

Our basement is almost completely underground, and one of the first musicians to visit said it was like a foxhole. He did not know my last name at the time. The band constantly called the music room the foxhole, so the room was christened “The Foxhole”.

When I first started sculpting and making molds, it was in the music room, “The Foxhole”. Since I was mainly making terrain stuff, we decided to call the company Foxhole Terrain.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
404 771 4116
Business Address
Foxhole Terrain
1944 Brannon Drive
Austell GA 30106
United States
Frontline Wargaming
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Long Business Description

Frontline Wargaming manufacture various ranges of 15mm, 20mm and 25mm terrain, buildings, vehicles and figures suitable for many periods.

All furniture and vehicle ranges are now being produced in polyurethane resin, which speeds production and are more durable. I will still be using polyester resin for the larger scenery etc. The only downside is higher material cost therefore I have to put a price increase on these ranges.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
01634 832189
Business Address
Frontline Wargaming
Gibraltar Farm
Ham Lane
Gaddis Gaming
Business Name
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Long Business Description

We've added a beautiful line of 28mm metal WWI and WWII miniatures to our offerings. These sculpts do not need to be assembled and are quiet life like in dimensions and detail.

Business Website Address
Galloping Major Ltd
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Long Business Description

Galloping Major Ltd is a company run by military history enthusiasts to design and produce 28mm figures and associated products for discerning wargamers and collectors.

Figures from Galloping Major branded ranges are designed and sculpted by our director Lance Cawkwell, ensuring a continuity of style throughout. Our ranges will continually expand, to provide the breadth, depth and choice that we believe are essential to building outstanding units, forces, armies and collections.

At Galloping Major the introduction of new ranges will not signal the abandoning of further expansion of existing ones, but these will continue to be added to "in parallel".

Business Website Address
Business Address
Galloping Major Ltd
Manor Farm House
YO25 8HX
GameCraft Miniatures
Business Name
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Long Business Description

Hello, I am Allen Rockwell. I am the owner and operator of GameCraft Miniatures. When you place an order here, I'll be the one that oversees the making of your miniatures and often I'll be the one doing the actual work, and I am the person you will be dealing with when you write an email or call the shop.

GameCraft Miniatures is a company that has been a dream of mine for about 30 years. I started gaming with Micro Armor in the late 1970s with my friends in Lomita, California on a sand table in my friend Robert's back yard. I built a pretty impressive collection of 1/285th scale modern armor and aircraft; much of it heavily modified and even some pieces scratch built. Eventually, I graduated from 1/285th scale wargaming to full-scale wargaming when I joined the US Army in 1983. After returning from service in the Army I went to work as a Wind-Tunnel Model Maker for Northrop Aircraft in Hawthorne California. Since that time, I have moved around between a few companies as a professional model maker and eventually, along with a good friend, I ended up buying the company I was working for in the mid 1990's, A&M Model Makers. Many years later, I sold my portion of A&M Model Makers to my business partner and started working on my dream of creating GameCraft Miniatures. So, while it may seem that GameCraft simply sprung up out of nowhere on March 10th 2009, it's really been in the works for about 30 years.

I have my own Micro Armor blog which I maintain at www.allensmicroarmor.com If you are interested in 1/285th scale (6mm) gaming, you may find it interesting.

If you have any questions or comments or need any help at all on anything, please feel free to email me personally at allen@gcmini.com

GameCraft is my full-time job, and I'm always here for you. However, my shop schedule is opposite of most people as I work the "overnight" shift in the shop. So, reaching my phone is not always easy, but if you would rather call than email, you may do so on 865-985-0645, just please expect that you will probably be leaving a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
865 985 0645
Business Address
1101 Montview Rd
TN 37914
United States
Gorgon Studios
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Long Business Description

Founded in 2009, Gorgon Studios is the joint project of a group of like-minded hobbyists, gamers, and amateur historians. Originally conceived as a vehicle for miniatures ranges for niche or lesser known historical period, Gorgon Studios has expanded in scope. From the ancient Italian empire of the Etruscans, to the American Old West, to the shores of Dark Age Britain, to the desperate actions on Crete during the Second World War, Gorgon continues to produce high quality model figures for an ever-growing repertoire of historical, fantasy, and science fiction ranges. As Gorgon expands, the focus remains squarely on offering dynamic, historically accurate, and characterful toy soldiers.

Business Website Address
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Long Business Description

Gothic Line Miniatures we have recently begun to produce finely sculpted to 28mm scale World War II figures.

The figures are produced in Portugal (Europe) and are available worldwide.

Business Website Address
Business Address
Great Escape Games
Business Name
Long Business Description

Great Escape Games is the publisher of Dead Man's Hand, Old West gaming and figures, The Chicago Way, Iron Cross, Sword & Spear, Clash of Empires, rules for Ancient & Medieval wargaming, and Rules of Engagement, rules for WWII wargaming. GEG also sells hobby products such as models, basing materials and specialist modelling materials.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
07908 119200
Business Address
Great Escape Games
15 Trade Street
Grekwood Miniatures
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Grekwood was the name of a roleplay game character created by my brother Gareth K Sutherwood in 1999. His full name was "Grekwood Thegar" and was a semi anagram of Gareth's full name.

A few years later, Gareth started using the name "Grekwood" as an online alias with his own personality traits such as a strange obsession with bananas! Grekwood grew to be loved by many he met, whether online or in person. Gareth later went on to create his own universe known as "Grekworld", where he had his own special ops teams and so forth!

On Formspring in early 2010, Gareth was asked about his name and after explain it, he said "So where next for the Grekwood name? who knows but it's evolving and becoming a semi-brand and a trademark extension of me.

In July 2011, my brother Gareth very sadly passed away. He will always be missed and loved by everyone who knew him.

Grekwood Miniatures (or at least before it became Grekwood Miniatures) was a hobby which was taken to the next level in April 2012. We aim to offer our own unique miniatures and accessories, along with numerous items from other companies to compliment them to help make your miniatures look as great as they possibly can be.

As "Grekwood" played a large part of my brother's life, the best way to honour his memory is to keep his name going. Therefore by creating "Grekwood Miniatures", the name Grekwood will continue to be known throughout this great hobby.

Business Website Address
Business Address
Grekwood Miniatures
6 Trebanog Close