Warband 2nd Ed Rules

Warband 2nd Ed Rules is intended to make it easier to use larger armies, although I have taken the opportunity to generally re-organise and tidy up the rules.

Warband 2nd Ed Rules clarifications

Some names have changed, for instance “Top-Rate Infantry” are now “Elite Infantry”. “Warband Leaders” are now “Infantry Leaders” or “Cavalry Leaders”. There are also one or two minor things that I thought should change.

One innovation for multi-band armies, a Commander in Chief (C-in-C) who’s not attached to any specific band at the beginning of the game. The C-in-C can take direct command of a single band under their command if necessary.

Morale system

The biggest difference is in the morale system. One problem with larger games of Warband. The morale test for each band, detailed it took enough time and effort to break the flow of the game.  In the heat of a larger game it was possible to forget to test for morale. In my opinion morale is crucial – I don’t believe many groups of people fought until one side was all dead or severely wounded.

The group morale test has been greatly simplified, but in some cases individuals must test their morale. The group flees when it has lost 1/4 of it’s original strength (1/3 if under direct command of the C-in-C) or if it is without a living leader.

Individual morale tests take place if the soldier directly in front, either killed or nearly killed in close combat. The test is throwing a single dice to try to get less than the raw combat factor. An equal or higher score causes the figure to run. Thus a civilian (combat factor 0) will always run whilst a Infantry Leader (combat factor 8) will never run. Elite Infantry are unlikely to run but Skirmishers will probably flee.

Combat challenges

Single combat challenges have made it slightly more decisive.

In the close combat section the biggest change has been introduction of the individual morale test (see above). Additional tactical factors, now listed separately from the raw combat factors. Soldiers now fight at a disadvantage if they are more than12 inches away from either their leader or the C-in-C.

Movement section

The movement section has in general been simplified. Movement along roads or tracks has been speeded up. All cavalry now move at the same rate. Formations more than one line deep may now charge into combat. Breaking off from combat without fleeing of the boards no longer permitted.

Missile fire

Missile fire has been simplified. The most noticeable difference is that there is no short range, merely effective ranges. Mail no longer helps protect against missiles. For the crossbow fans the crossbow, slightly longer effective range than the bow but can not fired if the crossbowman moves.

Many thanks to Kevin Owen for his suggestions on morale and other matters, many of which I have included in the re-write.

Richard W. Lee professional game designer.

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