Business Name
Long Business Description

LuXLu, in other words Luca Canese and Luigi Maini, have been passionate about board games and wargames for decades and have always been looking for a game that can fully satisfy us.

This research ultimately pushed us towards the first attempts to write some game regulations on our own, first by making slight changes to existing regulations, then trying to create new ones in a frantic search for something new that could somehow renew. the mechanics of today's wargames and games.

In 2010 we therefore decided to self-produce our first game and export it outside the doors of our club so that a wider audience could enjoy it. Over the years, passing from one event to another, we have made ourselves known and appreciated thanks to a series of expansions and new games.

Business Website Address
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Business Address
Via Castelfidardo, 4, 19122 La Spezia SP