Wargaming Companies

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Advanced Terrain produce rubber and resin games terrain for 28mm tabletop miniatures games. Our terrain is extremely durable - barring blades and fire, there is pretty much nothing that will damage it. Aside from its insane toughness, our terrain is also:

Ready to Play
No assembly, no painting, no mess, no fuss. You take it out of the box, put it on the table, and you're ready to play. This is a major consideration for gamers on the go with less and less time - us crusty old veterans may still enjoy breathing in the primer fumes, but most people just want to... play the game.

Our scenery works for a wide variety of game genres, almost any 28mm-35mm miniature game in fact. Anything from Warhammer 40k to historical ancients wargaming, from a Call of Cthulu RPG to Mordheim. We have purposefully avoided any period-specific details - no rusting suits of armor, discarded lasguns, or orc skulls to throw you out of context.

We've given a lot of thought to the creation of the cities and battlefields that we would like to play on. We've designed a very simple layered system where everything can work with or without the other pieces. Don't care for the base tiles? You can use the roads, barricades and buildings without them. Do you prefer more height on your board? Just layer on a few extra hill or raised city blocks.

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Adventure Terrain
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Long Business Description

Adventure Terrain! are a terrain site for the wargame and model train hobbies. All products on this site will complement and enhance your hobby experience.

Our goal is to create a comprehensive and complete set of terrain for your table needs. If you wish to set up a professional looking wargame table you will be able to do this without hours of set up. If you wish to set up a temporary train board layout that you will have to take down later but want diorama quality than you are at the right place.

The primary thing about our terrain is that it is modular. Each piece for the most part is interchangeable with another of like and kind.

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Aerodrome is a miniatures game of aerial combat during World War I. Players take on the role of biplane pilots and tail gunners dog fighting their way through the gray skies of Europe during the war to end all wars.

Business Website Address
Business Address
P.O. Box 4251
California 94011-4251
United States
Agema Miniatures
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Agema Miniatures is a small firm of avid amateur historians and passionate wargamers. Comprised of Greg and Rita, Agema aims to bring you some of the best and most comprehensive wargaming figures in 28mm hard plastic and metal available.

As a fan of ancient history, Greg has always been wowed by large tables full of fantastic miniatures that really capture a sense of the drama of ancient conflicts. Having cut his teeth on Tony Bathʼs Ancient Wargaming, he progressed to WAB and recently to Hail Caesar!, at each iteration of rules wishing for a range of figures that fully gave justice to the great games being played and the epic conflicts they represent. As for Rita, she also loves history, but is still a novice to wargaming. Instead of playing out the battles on the table, she prefers to paint them. Rita is behind the graphics on this website.

With the advent of high quality plastic figure production, Greg decided that if you want something doing, you have to do it yourself! Plastic gives the gamer the opportunity to build large scale armies relatively inexpensively, and with advances in production techniques, at a quality to rival many metal ranges. Thus the idea behind Agema Miniatures was born.

We have always loved the Hellenistic and Punic Wars – who could not be enthralled by the Herculean conflict between Carthage and Rome, Hannibal and Scipio! And weʼve always thought that the available figures for the period havenʼt really done it justice – certainly not in the field of plastics. So, we hope to redress that balance.

Starting with a small sprue of Roman Velites to establish our name and intent, we hope to progress through Legionnaires, to Carthaginian and Libyan troops, to Spaniards and Celts.

Weʼd love to hear your thoughts, recommendations, questions and advice, so feel free to drop us a line, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We hope youʼll join us for the journey!

Business Website Address
Business Address
61 Southdown Rd
Agents of Gaming
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Long Business Description

Agents of Gaming was formed in January 1992 by Bruce Graw, who was (at the time) employed by the US Air Force as a computer programmer. The purpose of the company was to run Galactic Conquest, the play-by-mail game which became Star Fleet Warlord. GC had originally been run as a hobby (first created in late 1989), but proved its worth in the first eight games as a legitimate PBM. The public debut came at Gen Con/Origins 1992, followed shortly by a deal with ADB to make it an official Star Fleet Universe product (an change the name to the current SFW heading).

Continental Conquest (then called Conquest of America) was written in 1992 and also started its first game at Gen Con/Origins. The European map was added in mid-1993 and the revision to the current rules (including the Oceania map) was completed in mid-1995.

The Star Fleet Times, the official Star Fleet Universe newsletter, was started in January 1995, replacing Starletter under exclusive license with ADB. Other AOG SFB packs began selling at approximately the same time (the first merchandise actually sold by AOG).

The concept for Babylon 5 Wars was dreamed up by Robert Glass in April 1996 and pitched to AOG, and was nearly dismissed as an impossible prospect! Rob persisted, called Warner Bros., and to everyone's surprise was able to secure the license (with the help of the established AOG name). Kelly Lofgren was brought on board shortly thereafter. The basic game system took four months to write and another six to refine and playtest. It was finished in late April 1997, one year after its conception.

Just who are these Agents of Gaming, anyway? Here's one of them, Bruce Graw, the owner and founder. (This picture was taken by an imager at Dayton Computerfest on 16 March 1996). Photos of other Agents are not yet available.

Business Website Address
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Business Address
7672 McEwen Road
OH 45459
United States
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28mm Historical Miniatures

Business Website Address
Business Address
4509 Fait Ave
MD 21224
United States
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Ainsty Casting Company Manufacture Wargaming miniatures and Scenics in Resin and White Metal

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Airfix is a UK manufacturer of injection-moulded plastic scale model kits. Airfix was owned by Humbrol from 1986 until the latter's financial collapse on 31 August 2006. Since 2007, both Humbrol and Airfix have been owned by Hornby.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
01843 233512
Business Address
Customer Services
Hornby Hobbies Ltd
Enterprise Road
Westwood Industrial Estate
Aleran Miniatures
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Aleran Miniatures was founded by model builders / war gamers with 40+ years of experience and since we are quality minded we want to try to make your models look good. We strive to make our products as accurate as possible, using our available research material. If you have a particular interest and would like to see it developed, drop us a line with your suggestion. We are always happy to hear from other modelers.

Business Website Address
Business Address
Aleran Miniatures
885 Penniman Ave
P.O. Box 5574
MI 48170
United States