Advanced Terrain

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Advanced Terrain produce rubber and resin games terrain for 28mm tabletop miniatures games. Our terrain is extremely durable - barring blades and fire, there is pretty much nothing that will damage it. Aside from its insane toughness, our terrain is also:

Ready to Play
No assembly, no painting, no mess, no fuss. You take it out of the box, put it on the table, and you're ready to play. This is a major consideration for gamers on the go with less and less time - us crusty old veterans may still enjoy breathing in the primer fumes, but most people just want to... play the game.

Our scenery works for a wide variety of game genres, almost any 28mm-35mm miniature game in fact. Anything from Warhammer 40k to historical ancients wargaming, from a Call of Cthulu RPG to Mordheim. We have purposefully avoided any period-specific details - no rusting suits of armor, discarded lasguns, or orc skulls to throw you out of context.

We've given a lot of thought to the creation of the cities and battlefields that we would like to play on. We've designed a very simple layered system where everything can work with or without the other pieces. Don't care for the base tiles? You can use the roads, barricades and buildings without them. Do you prefer more height on your board? Just layer on a few extra hill or raised city blocks.

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