U Wargaming Rules Publishers, a directory listed alphabetically for the letter U, their locations and opening times plus contact details. Would you like your Rules Company to be listed? Create an account to submit your website for ‘FREE

Uber Goober Games
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Uber Goober Games started with the documentary about gamers, Uber Goober. It expanded into a maker of quality rule sets and gaming accessories.

Our goal is to make simple, fun, easy to play games with many levels of options to keep play interesting over and over again.

Undead States of AmericaUniversal Space Combat SystemUber RPG: Steampunk

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UKG Publishing
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UKG Publishing were founded in 2005, as a small vanity press publishing house, specialising in eBook's for RPGs, particularly those of a Fantasy nature.

Starting with a couple of adventure compendiums for the d20 system, we have expanded to include floorplans, maps, and other source books, for a variety of genre including Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Modern and Zombie Apocalypse.

UKG Publishing now have over 130 books out in electronic format and a small number of these are also available in print for from Lulu (our print on demand supplier).

We are working with around 20 authors and artists, and we are always happy to hear from other who are interested in what we do.

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Urban War
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Urban War: Strike Team Actions is a 28mm tactical science fiction skirmish game.

Urban War: Strike-Team Actions is simple to learn but difficult to master. It is a fast paced sci-fi skirmish game set in a brutal far-distant Galaxy. Players build small teams of soldiers to fight in the worn-torn city of Iskandria, the scene of countless vicious conflicts between competing factions, now also threatened by aggressive alien incursions.

Urban War is a tabletop game for two or more players. The individual model and experience based system enables a unique variety of tactical choices, as you develop your teams to suit your own personal play-style and strategies.

In the city of Iskandria there are seven distinct factions vying for dominance:

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