Keep a Journal!

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    • #13329
      Dining Room Battles

      Highlander notes

      I don’t remember exactly when I starting keeping a journal of hobby information, but it was in the mid 2000’s and I was working on the 2nd Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in 15mm for Flames of War. I usually do not work straight through a project so I had painted one unit, did something else and then came back to the Highlanders. Hmmm . . . how did I paint them? Thus the journal. I highly recommend keeping a journal, it’s not hard, and it can be a real memory jogger! It’s also useful for interesting information, even if you are not working that particular part of history or fantasy. Here are some examples of my notes and the figures they produced.


      swiss 2

      German Paratroopers

      German Paratroopers 2


      ECW 2

    • #13342

      Thank you for posting about your journal I do keep one myself but it’s just a Google document with the colours I’ve used yours looks so much better

      Take care


    • #47632

      I keep a journal like this (of sorts), as well. Every figure and terrain piece I finish has a detailed formula for all paints and the order they’re applied in, with notes on application techniques. I find it’s absolutely essential for re-producing paint schemes.

      How often have I stepped away from a project that I’ve yet to document, and then on return to it, “Which brown was that, that I used, right there? And what brown was that, there? And what brown did I use, THERE?” I just ran into this problem, recently.

      However, though I have a little folder for some of my earlier paint scheme formulas, this really is the way to do it. You’ve convinced me. I’m going to document everything in a proper journal or scrap book. Not only will it better organize future notes, I’ll be better able to document past projects. This sort of thing is invaluable for keeping a standardized look to your armies, terrain, and other projects.

      Thanks for the post! It changed how I paint!


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