A Greeting of Greeks

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    • #47179

      I am experimenting with maximum sized armies, trimming points where ever possible. This was heavily influenced by podcasts put out by Tim Porter, the Mad AxeMan. He invited his crew to come up with practical Hoplite armies that can actually win on the table. Most stressed mediocre troops and some included commanders, and got armies out there with 18 or more Hoplites and breakpoints over 25.
      It’s Greece vs Rome in this L’ Art de la Guerre game.
      Roman Line Up
      The Press

    • #47183

      Thank you for taking the time to share to the forum, excellent report

      Take care


    • #47781

      Drawn in by the gorgeous, 15mm Ancients armies, I followed the link on this one. I had to read more.

      This battle was BRUTAL! It was neat to see how the cavalry deftly maneuvered at the intro. I also learned a bit about Ancients, and particularly Greek tactical doctrine, just from reading this.

      I must say, I was dismayed, but not surprised to see that an offer of surrender was refused. 🙁 War is Hell.

      A BIG Kongrats! To that Roman catapult crew! I’ve never seen a weapon crew manage something like that, when faced with assault. Also, I particularly loved the captions (“Send for more rocks!”)!

      Of course, it was oddly appropriate, that watching over the skirmish on the flank was none other than Shri Ganesha, whom I’ve always associated with Luck and Good Fortune. I’m sure both sides were hoping for his favor.

      The wrap-up at the end of the battle report was a really helpful addition, too. I learned some, from this, as well!

      Thanks for another BatRep, and by all means, keep ’em coming!


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