PicoArmor producers a wide range of war gaming figures at 1:600 scale. We offer Oddzial Osmy (O8) miniatures and our 3mm buildings as leading products.
PicoArmor specializes in 1:600 & 3mm wargaming miniatures, terrain, miniatures rules, and accessories.
PicoArmor are proud to offer the Oddzial Osmy line of 3mm and 15mm miniatures.
Our product ranges include 3mm Modern, 3mm World War II, 3mm World War I, 3mm Napoleonic's, 3mm American Civil War, 3mm Ancients, 3mm Sengoku Jidal Samurai, 3mm Seven Years War, and 3mm Sci-Fi.
PicoArmor also stock 15mm Sci-Fi, 15mm Modern, and 15mm Cold War miniatures. Check out our wide range of 3mm buildings, 3mm terrain, and 3mm trains.
We is dedicated to supporting 1:600 & 3mm miniature wargaming where you can recreate battles on a grand scale for a reasonable cost.
432 Dunford Drive
WI 53105
In addition to stocking a number of products from UK and US companies, this company has its own line of miniatures known as Lead Bones.
1230 Locust Street
Kentucky 42301
United States