Hundred Years War Flags

Claymore Castings
Business Name
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Long Business Description

Claymore Castings was formed in 2012 and is run by David Imrie and his wife Arlynne. David has been a figure painter, collector and gamer for a number of years. Our goal is to use our experience to sell top quality wargames figures that are beautifully sculpted and well researched. We hope that you have as much enjoyment collecting and gaming with the figures as we have had creating them.

Claymore Castings is a hobby run business and we develop the ranges when time permits.

Business Website Address
Business Address
14 Shotburn Crescent
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

GMB Designs emerged in response to a demand for flags and standards of a quality to match that of the top ranges of figures available to discerning collectors and wargamers. The flags are reproduced from hand painted originals and are the result of many years of meticulous research, gathering information from primary sources where possible. Where no primary sources exist, the designs are based on contemporary regulations and comparison with similar flags. I owe a debt to the enthusiasts and academics who have contributed their knowledge to my research.

GMB Designs are committed to producing flags and standards as close to original designs as possible and for this reason whenever new, reliable facts and sources are uncovered, the flags are updated.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
+44 114 2217872
Business Address
GMB Designs
57 Cliffefield Road
Meersbrook, Sheffield
South Yorkshire
S8 9DJ
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Little Big Men Studios produce thousands of different transfer sheets for you to choose from in 28mm, 20mm, 15mm and 10mm sizes. I cover periods from Ancient to Medieval to Napoleonic covering shields and flags.

The work I do is extremely detailed and combines history and artistry in miniature. The range is expanding all the time with new designs appearing nearly every week. Sometimes I do forget to put transfer images on the website so if you know I make something for a manufacturer but can’t find it please let me know.

My name is Stephen Hales and I own ‘Little Big Men Studios’. The company was started in April of 2004 initially as a painting service. The transfers were created to help me with my painting commissions, but as time went by the transfers took up more and more of my time and became my main business. The painting commission side of LBMS is no more as I simply don’t have the time to paint due to the great success of the transfers.

Before LBMS I was a film and computer animator, but have been interested in History and war-gaming since I was seven years old. Finally becoming disillusioned with others controlling my creativity I decided to start LBMS. This has been the best decision I could have made as it has given me the chance to be my own boss and to be creative within my favourite subject matter, which is history. It gives me great pride to receive messages from satisfied customers who have really enjoyed using the transfers over the years and I must thank a lot of my regular customers for making this a very pleasant job.

The range is so large now I have lost count, but must run into the thousands! in 28mm, 15mm, 10mm and 1/72nd scales. My design time has become less due to the pressures and time constraints of sorting customer and trade orders. So the designs I do are for the more popular periods and ranges rather than the more esoteric.

I work closely with Victrix limited working on the design of the plastic figure ranges. I produce a very large range of transfers for Victrix but they are only sold via the Victrix Website.


Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
0793 904 2210
Business Address
Stephen Hales T/A
Little Big Men Studios
51 Highfield Terrace
Leamington Spa
CV32 6EE
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

We do all historical periods, science fiction and fantasy flags. Special orders are welcome for any type of flags if time permits and you provide the research. There is no extra charge for this.

All of the flags are handmade and as historically accurate as possible. We do all scales so please state the scale of flags when you order. The poles are made of steel wire that comes in the following sizes: (6mm and 10mm = .020"/??mm), (15mm / 20mm scale = .025"/.64mm), (25mm scale = .032"/.81mm), (40mm / 54mm scale = .039"/.99mm). Forts flags can be on steel wire or 1/8" dowel.

The flags are printed on high quality paper using a top of the line ink jet printer that gives the them a cloth look. We offer cloth flags, however the print on the cloth is not quite as sharp as on paper but has a good look, especially in the larger scales.

We attend several shows a year, please look at our schedule for the next show that we will be attending. Preorders for the shows and orders at the shows are welcome!

Mail orders should be to you in less than 30 days and two weeks is the average, however, this depends on how busy we are and if there is any research to be done. Regular mail is the method of delivery but special delivery will be used if the customer pays for the service.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
256 929 3416
Business Address
Rick O'Brien
1202 Stonehurst Drive SE
AL 35801
United States