Gobbotown Games

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Long Business Description

GobboTown Games is all about making miniature figures and games that are fun yet thought provoking. We try to make all our games have that air of uncertainty about them whether you might win or lose by that tiny fraction.

It all started when we became tired of supporting game companies remaking the same games with the same flawed structures.

We make a better game with the following:

Cheaper Prices! As an indie, how can I make a cheaper superior product? Think about it. Cheaper rules, cheaper figures! Made in America! Most of my profit, at this time, goes back into GobboTown for better games and more figures.

Command System

Objective System

No Charts

Roll vs Roll Combat System

Simple Advanced Deployment

Try us out with a small army or proxy army and play through the rules. Get a taste of what wargaming should be.

WARNING: Before playing, open your mind for a new experience of an enjoyable, sometimes tense, wargame that will make you want to come back to play again. You will actually have to develop tactics and command awareness to be good at playing the game.

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