Ulster Imports

Ulster Imports Ltd publishers a number of rule books and guides most notably Charlie Company (1986), The Mexican Adventure (2nd Edition) – Campaign Booklet 2 (1990),

Rules & Books we produce

Charlie Company

Charlie Company (1986)

The Mexican Adventure (2nd Edition) – Campaign Book 2

The Mexican Adventure (2nd Edition) – Campaign Booklet 2 (1990)

Honour and Fortune – Campaign Book 4

Honour and Fortune – Campaign Book 4 (1987)

The War of Independence in the North – Campaign Book 7

The War of Independence in the North – Campaign Book 7 (1988)

The Second Italian War of Independence 1859 – Campaign Book 8

The Second Italian War of Independence 1859 – Campaign Book 8 (1989)

Red Shirts – Garibaldi’s Campaign in Southern Italy 1860 – Campaign Book 8A

Red Shirts – Garibaldi’s Campaign in Southern Italy 1860 – Campaign Book 8A (1989)

Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain – Campaign Book 9

Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain – Campaign Book 9 (1990)

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Address: Ulster Imports Ltd

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