Zenit Miniatures

Zenit Miniatures, Spanish company founded in 2006, produce and manufacture white metal miniatures. Of excellent quality and at a low price. In a very short time, Zenit Miniatures have specialized themselves in reproducing white metal miniatures. Reaching a uniformity and quality parameter unknown by an industry specialized in the plastic injection.

Currently Zenit Miniatures, practically known worldwide. It is, today, synonymous of quality, seriousness and responsibility for ZM fans around the world.

Knowing the product we make at Zenit Miniatures, we sell our miniatures on a very original presentation system with a support created by the company itself, highlighting the uniqueness of ZM.

Website Address: https://shop.zenitminiatures.es/en/
Phone Number: +34 625 683 960
Address: Zenit Miniatures, PO Box 201 29692 San Luis de Sabinillas Málaga, Spain

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