Wicked Wargames

Wicked Wargames is a games company creating fun, realistic and easy to play and learn games in the tabletop and RPG spheres.

We focus on creating games that are visually exciting, easy to understand and that meet a high professional standard.

Please be aware that the partnership that comprises Wicked Wargames has split. We intend to complete the unfinish projects but they are currently on pause while we decide on how to go about this. Our next update is due probably around mid-late autumn.

Arthur has been playing wargames since he was a small babba. Way back he would make up his own rules for Warhammer as he found it too complicated and rules-heavy. And always had just as much fun as everyone else. This same ethos carried through to his adult life and now positively affects the writing of Wicked Wargames properties. Arthur likes to focus on ease and logic and real-world counterparts for simulation and emulation in the games he writes.

Games focused on either strategy and tactics

Charles enjoys games focused on either strategy and tactics or narrative and roleplay appeal. And consequently brings an eye for these things to Wicked Wargames. Typical sources of inspiration are stories like the Hornblower and The Lord of the Rings series. Games like Fable and the Total War series, and the fascinating breadth of history. His creative projects include designing a 2v2 chessboard, writing short stories, dungeon-mastering and creating real-world, history, mystery and horror-based treasure hunts.

See also EZpainter

Website Address: https://www.wargamevault.com/browse/pub/9978/Wicked-Wargames
Phone Number:

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