Venexia Miniatures

Venexia Miniatures produced mix of 15mm and 28mm historical, modern miniatures, making Venexia Miniatures a one stop shop for all enthusiasts. 

Venexia Miniatures Ranges

15mm Miniatures

  • Ancients
    • Israelites
    • Philistines
    • Sea Peoples
    • New Kingdom Egyptians
  • The Ottoman Turks (1400-1700)
  • The Great Italian Wars (1495-1559)
  • The Wars of Louis XIV

28mm Miniatures

  • Italian Condottieri XV Century
  • Modern
    • Italians
    • French

Website Address:
Phone Number: 0161 624 7303
Address: Lancashire Games, 28 Helmshore Ave, Moorside, Oldham, OL4 2QB, UK

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