Vandering Publications

Vandering Publications is a small publishing house dedicated to quality. Naval Wargames Rules, modern and historical, fiction and fantasy. Vandering aims for realism and playability.

Rules We Produce

  • Shipwreck (1999)
  • Shipwreck: Freeplay ’88 (2016)
  • Shooting Stars (2017)
  • Tank Wreck! (2005)
  • Whuppin’ John Bull (2020)
  • Whuppin’ Jonathon (2020)
  • Northern Moat (2016)
  • Cheer Boys Cheer! (2016)

Website Address:
Phone Number: 01229 812926
Address: 29 Dumfries St, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 2DA, United Kingdom

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