Valkyrie Games

Valkyrie Games publishers Stellar Horizons is a skill based science fiction game set in the near future that utilizes a percentile system for task resolution.

In the realm of tabletop gaming, few titles have managed to captivate players with their unique blend of science fiction and strategy as effectively as Valkyrie Games’ Stellar Horizons. This engaging game is not only set in a richly detailed near-future universe but also boasts a distinctive mechanic that sets it apart from other skill-based sci-fi games: a percentile system for task resolution.

At the heart of Stellar Horizons lies its innovative combat and exploration mechanics, which designed to challenge players with complex decisions and strategic thinking. Set against the backdrop of a futuristic world where human colonies have expanded into the cosmos, this game invites players to take on the role of space explorers, military operatives, or scientists in search of groundbreaking discoveries.

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Address: Valkyrie Games, P.O. Box 182237, Arlington, Texas, 76096, United States

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