Valiant Britons Rules

Valiant Britons Rules Tribal warfare in Celtic Britain,Valiant Britons is a wargame set in ancient times, somewhere between the 4th Century BC and 1st Century AD about tribal warfare. Very little is known about the detail of Celtic Society or the conduct of tribal wars. Such evidence that exists consists of three kinds:

Accounts by their enemies the Romans

a. Accounts by their enemies the Romans. Julius is a famously unreliable reporter, second only to the Blair government it his ability to ‘sex up’ his accounts. Its generally accepted that he exaggerated the British Treat to Gaul and there was no evidence of ‘chariots of mass destruction’ or that they could ‘invade within 45 minutes’. Tacitus writes convincingly, but his is not a primary source, and relies on the accounts of others.

The archaeological remains

b. The archaeological remains. These provide clues as to the technology available. But archaeologists’ analysis of their significance is largely conjecture and should treated with caution. A good example of this is the controversy over the function of hill forts.

Later writings on Irish Celtic life

c. Later writings on Irish Celtic life from early Christian writers in the 7th century and later. This assumes that Ireland in the 7th century is the same as the mainland over 600 years early. There may be some commonality but it is again a matter of conjecture as to how much one can draw from these sources.

My version of events

So this is my version of events. It is based on a distillation of all the above sources, and is not inconsistent with them. It differs from the conventional wargame in that it is mainly about the culture of the celtic warrior class – which is in my view the most relevant focus.

I have added a section on fighting the Romans. The Romans are not absolutely unbeatable – but they are very tough and usually outnumber the tribesmen on the field. So far as the tribes are concerned that isn’t important – the Romans are just another tribe.

Jim Wallman professional game designer.

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