Troll Lord Games

Troll Lords Games, a subsidiary of Chenault & Gray Publishing, , LLC, has been publishing Role Playing Games since 1999. They began publishing their own system, quickly converted to Dungeons & Dragons d20 system and became the primary publisher for Gary Gygax from 2001 until his passing in 2008.

TLG publishes a small host of other RPGs, including Amazing Adventures, Victorious and Harvesters. Their long standing world setting The World of Aihrde is supported both RPG books and its own line of fantasy fiction.

Stephen Chenault is both a primary author and CEO of Troll Lord Games and works with others: Davis Chenault, Jason Vey, James M. Ward and Brian Young. Troll Lord Games hired Mark Sandy to run the print shop, a position he holds to this day. Tim Burns brought on as Communications Director in 2013. Peter Bradley serves as the company Art Director.

Website Address:
Phone Number: 501 680 6597
Address: Troll Lord Games, PO Box 251171, Little Rock, AR 72225, United States

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