TRE Games

TRE Games Inc creates, manufactures and sells games and game accessories, laser cut buildings, structures, miniature bases and other game accessories.

Tim Erickson was born in Minnesota in 1971. Tim has pursued a career in art from birth, receiving a degree in computer graphics and animation. Tim’s art career has consisted of freelance illustration, with jobs ranging from scientific illustrations for the Science Museum of Minnesota, a project of illustrations of famous battles for American Collectibles and The History Channel, to the industry of comics, with the self published series of graphic novels; The Death’s Whisper Trilogy. Tim is a writer, illustrator, and most recently, an entrepreneur.

Tim currently works and resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Website Address:
Phone Number: 612 281 8763
Address: TRE Games, Inc., 8801 Fremont Ave. S, Bloomington, Minneapolis, 55420, United States

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