Target Games

Target Games is a company based in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Target Games are actively involved in the following areas:

TG Scandinavia

1 Family games
One of the major suppliers in Scandinavia for mass-market games, the range is today spanning from educational, children games, puzzles and activities to adult games. Examples are: Rappakalja (Game of the year 1990), Brainstorm, Maestro (Game of the Year 1991), Snapshot (Game of the Year 1996), Svea Rike.

2 Adventure games
The main supplier for role-playing games, board games, miniature games and card games. Examples of products:localized editions of Drakar & Demoner, Kult, Mutant Chronicles, Warzone.

3 Trading
Target Games also has a branch that represents and markets certain product lines (such as Toys).

4 Premium, promotional and business-to-business
We have developed and produced localized games to serve the needs for corporations such as Volvo (made in cooperation with Båge & Sjöberg), Volvo North America, SAS, Transfer Media etc. After an initial analysis of the client´s need we choose a suitable media which can be board, card, role-playing, 3-D, live or PC-based games/simulations.

Target Games

Development and marketing of hobby related games closely together with Heartbreaker Inc. on an international basis.

1 Role-playing Games
Titles include Mutant Chronicles, Kult and Chronopia (only Scandinavia so far), as well as Dreampod 9´s Heavy Gear.

2 Cardgames
Includes Doom Trooper (Games Top 100 Award 1995), Kult, Crow and James Bond as well as the upcoming Dark Eden game.

3 Miniatures Wargaming
This segment of the hobby is probably most highlighted by Warzone (Origins 1996 Award for Best Miniatures Game 1995) but more systems as well as compatible boardgames are well under work.

Target Interactive

Production and design with emphasis on gaming, currently with five titles under development. We work primarily on PC CD-ROM. Playmates Interactive will release Mutant Chronicles: The Mortificator first Quarter 1997, and are currently developing a line of Kult PC CD-ROM games for 1998.We are currently producing EUROPA Universalis, a multi-player strategy game of epic proportions. It is scheduled for christmas 1997 and signals the start of Target´s own interactive publishing. Go to our Interactive page for more detailed information!

Target Entertainment

We are developing antertainment packages for all our properties, including Mutant Chronicles, Kult, Chronopia and Heavy Gear

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