Zombies!!!: 20th Anniversary Edition – Promo Pack (2023)

Zombies!!!: 20th Anniversary Edition – Promo Pack, A set of 5 promo cards packaged together that backers received for backing Zombies!!!: 20th Anniversary Set.

High Roller
Card says: Play this card and roll the Die. On a 1-3, lose a heart token, 4-5 gain a gain a bullet token and on a 6 gain gain a heart and bullet token.

Elder God
Card Says: Place this card in front of you at the beginning of your turn. Add +2 to all rolls. Discard at the end of your turn.

Sibling Rivalry
Card says: Discard a heart token. Target a player who must win two combat rolls of 5 or better.

Dead Man’s Hand
This card says: Item: Discard this card. Draw up to 5 cards instead of 3.If you do not finish your turn on the helipad, move pawn to the starting line.

What’d Ya Find Boy?
Card states: Collect all tokens on your current tile.
