Xenocide (1999)

Xenocide is a sci-fi miniatures battle system for 6mm or 15mm figures.

Xenocide was originally developed over a decade ago, with bursts of playtesting and revision in between years of neglect. But it is getting close to completion now, at least as a rules set. If you downloaded it back in 2008 from the original Thane’s Games site, know that there have been several more iterations since then, each pulling it together tighter than before.

Xenocide offers fast play, streamlined rules, and a well defined unit building system.
Like Armies of Arcana, the goal is to make what happens on the table the focus of the game, not list building or special ability combos.

Xenocide features include:

A highly flexible army building system, where models are grouped into platoons and then companies.
A turn sequence where the generals plan their order of activation at the start of the turn, hidden from enemies.
Simple d6-based combat resolution.

A suppression system to affect units taking heavy fire.
Unit roles based on abilities, and focusing on combined arms attacks and planning.