What Price Glory (2023)

Precis Intermedia brings back this vintage fantasy roleplaying game (originally published in 1978).

The original designers described What Price Glory as having rules that emphasize fun, playability, and logic, with fast melee mechanics that provide a better aura of realism. It features 125 spells and a separate clerical system. Thieving mechanics are fully described and unique. In fact, the book is packed with lots of innovative rules (especially for 1978) in a solid framework. Much of it should feel familiar, however.

This classic reprint has been remastered for a higher quality of printing and better legibility, updated to include the original post-publishing errata, and edited to correct any typos.

This piece of gaming history is a must for collectors and old-school gamers. With the original virtually impossible to find, this classic reprint of What Price Glory has been remastered for a clean print and is readily available at a low cost. And if you play old-school games, this one is sure to introduce new concepts. Give it a try or you may just be missing out on a lot of fun.