Wargamer’s Guide to the English Civil War (1974)

Wargamer’s Guide to the English Civil War is a set of miniature wargame rules for the English Civil War (1642-1650) or Thirty Years War (1618 – 1648).

The game scales are 1 figure equals 20 men, 1 gun model equals two guns, 1 rank of figures equals three historical ranks. The ground scale is 1 inch equals fifteen yards. There is no specific time scale per turn.

Protz’ rules provide a great deal of flavor to the period of Cavaliers and Roundheads. The foot (infantry) regiments, which combine pikemen and musketeers, are arranged in a logical way that allows for easy use of the two types within the same unit. The foot can assume a number of specified “postures” or formations that affect their fighting ability against certain opponents. For example, foot in “close order” or “ring” fight better against opposing horse (cavalry).

The horse also has specified postures, such as the caracole, which is a deep formation intended to attack by firing pistols in successive ranks. Horse also has a unique movement restriction where they must move by one of three speeds: trot, canter, or gallop. The horse must accelerate turn-by-turn to get up to galloping speed. The speed makes a great deal of difference when fighting other horse. The faster troops have the advantage. This is a nice touch and provides a game mechanic for a situation that is often mentioned in accounts of the era.

Some of the game’s mechanics are cumbersome. For example, “Giving fire with small arms” requires nine steps; firing artillery requires 10 steps. However, these rules are still very playable. The second edition (published 1976) adds several pages of rules for siege warfare as well as clarifications and revisions of first edition rules.