Vis Bellica (2002)

Vis Bellica (2002) is a set of rules for Wargaming the Ancient Period.

Figures based as chunky elements that correctly represent both ground scale and historical (as far as is known) units. Easy to move round the table and look good.

An average game consists of about 120 figures a side, and takes about 2½-3 hours of play to resolve.

A combat system that doesn’t involve complicated book-keeping or rolling more than two or three dice at a time.

A command structure where figures are grouped as regular ‘brigades’ or irregular ‘contingents’ that report to officers that report to more senior officers.

A command system where officers could, on a parade ground, successfully issue a limited set of orders to the figures under their command, but this ability breaks down rapidly as the ‘fog of war’ descends during a battle.

Hidden movement possible without the need for a referee.

Army lists that emphasize the common soldier as opposed to being a collection of special units grouped together