USX Modern Day Heroes (2008)

Designed to compliment RAFM’s USX and Cthulhu range of figures the 32-page rulebook offers players a fun and fast game system. Printed in full color the book fills in areas that were hinted at in the Basic set with rules for:

Rules for vehicles enhance the game play of USX by making cars and trucks more than just terrain pieces to hide behind, although they are still great cover! Damage, speed and handling all play a part in how your vehicle performs with a skid table, collisions and Hollywood type explosions all covered.
Armor is handled through a simple yet effective modifier system that can be applied to vehicles and special units within the game.
Mythos creatures
RAFM’s Cthuhlu range of miniatures adds an element of horror to the game and allows players to face off against Mythos creatures. The use of a unique Horror check system compliments the Cthulhu element of the USX rules.
You’ll need some extra juju to deal with those horrors from beyond so we have included a few basic spells to help the budding cultist or investigator.

Specialty weapons and ammo such as flash bangs and man stopper rounds augment the game with special “Advanced rules” that work well when fighting off hordes of zombies or blinding the bad guys before your forces make their assault.

USX is a flexible and fast game system capable of handling 2 player contests or group games with 4 and more players. Additional players do not slow USX and games will be concluded in 2 hours or less depending on the scenario. USX also features our “Dual initiative system” making the game more fun for all players involved.

USX Modern Day Heroes gives players everything they need and more.