TSIA – Event Deck (2005)

The Sword In Africa (TSIA) Event Deck 

Of all the TSATF/800FE Game Decks, the two most commonly sold are the “Generic” Action Deck, and this Event Deck–and no wonder! This Deck includes Events for British and Native units of all types as might be encountered from Afghanistan to Zululand, and more “Universal Misery” Cards to keep life interesting. The Event Deck provides your Colonial War Game scenarios with a wide range of unpredictable opportunities and challenges no rules set can hope to allow for in a practical or balanced way.

Event types include “Reinforcements” of a wide variety for both sides at randomly located entry points, Ammunition or Water running out, the effects of bad water or food, Units of both sides acting independently, Command and Control problems, and more. A range of “Universal Misery” cards can bring troubles to all parties impartially–Flash Floods, Sandstorms, Blizzards, Heatstroke–all the things that make you love hiking in full field pack! Overall, the Deck has been weighted to “equal” out effects of all cards for both sides. With a variety of ways to use the Event Deck in play, it is truly a new tool to make your games as exciting and unpredictable as you want them to be!

Each Deck contains 63 full color Cards with complete instructions provided.