TSATF – Boxer Rebellion Action Deck

The Sword and the Flame (TSATF) Boxer Rebellion Action Deck

The Boxer Rebellion is easily the most colorful and exotic of all the late Imperialist adventures, the only time a military coalition of the US, Britain, France, Germany, Austro-Hungary, Italy, Russia and Japan took the field together against a common enemy.

The Boxer Rebellion Action Deck is itself unique in that for the first time in this series “dedicated” cards are provided to cue the Movement and Fire of units of the individual members of that coalition. Thus, there are cards specifying Imperial German, Japanese, Russian, and British units, as well as those of the other participants. These are apportioned roughly to match the troops committed by each member, so that British, Russian, and Japanese, and US cards abound, while Italy, Austria, and France are proportionally fewer.

Their Chinese opponents, however, had their own divisions and factions, and these are represented by cards specifying Boxer units (the largest group), as well as others for Imperial Bannermen, the Kansu Braves, and those units from the various “Westernized” units with more modern weapons and training.

In effect, using the cards as played guarantees that both sides will find it harder to stick to any joint plan and end up going their own way, as was exactly the case so often.

Using authentic Boxer and Manchu flags for the period, as well as the Colors of the Coalition members and other period illustrations, the cards are especially atmospheric and will help to put your games notches higher for drama, excitement, and speed of play.