The Quest of Thane Tostig (1977)

The Quest of Thane Tostig An early set of fantasy miniature tabletop wargame rules which were released in 1977 with an associated set of miniatures. The booklet itself is a 12-page A5 book, typeset with illustrations in black and white with colored card covers

As play progresses certain events are triggered. Combat is resolved through d10 rolls, and uses hit point locations to determine damage, while magic uses a point system and carries a chance of misfiring.

A scenario was defined within the rules. The hero player was required to raid through woodland and into a small pre-mapped dungeon area with a team of seven miniatures. Meanwhile the evil player had to use his army of eighty orc-like “Sprites” to defend against the heroes incursion.

From the Rulebook: We have devised these rules for use with the Thane Tostig range of fantasy figures designed and produced by Barry Minot, who also drew the illustrations.

They are intended to give an easy to play, fast moving, fantasy action game, which though ideal for the younger wargamer, will provide a basis on which older wargamers and fantasy fanatics can build, adding as many further complications as their fertile minds may devise.