The New Zealand Wars (2016)

The New Zealand Wars is a simple and fast-play skirmish game covering the wars between Colonial and Māori forces in the mid 19th century in New Zealand. This ruleset is designed to be fast and brutal, and to reflect accurately the specifics of the period, and the asymmetry of the forces. Māori forces utilize guerrilla tactics, emerging from hidden rifle pits and outflanking Colonial positions, while Colonial forces rely on their superior weapons and drill/training. Players compose their forces from an army list, and add extra support like artillery or trenches, or fortified Pā in the case of the Māori forces. There are multiple scenarios and deployments to play, and the variety of possible army lists adds to the replayability. Officers and Ariki (Māori Chiefs) also factor in, being able to issue orders and fight. Rules are provided for muskets, carbines, swords, taiaha, patu, pistols and a few other melee weapons. Māori forces can upgrade regular soldiers to be combat specialists, as well as being able to field sawn-off double barreled shotguns (called Tupara), artillery and various other forms of support. Most soldiers can be given horses too and made mounted. Colonial forces can field regular British soldiers, militia, forest rangers, as well as artillery and can also make use of horses.

28mm Miniatures are recommended, and the author uses the wonderful Empress miniatures made for this conflict. Any scale would work with these rules though.