The Character Archaic (2021)

The Character Archaic is a low-cost, fast-paced, easy to learn, and expandable fantasy roleplaying system.

This first volume has been designed to explain the rules and allow you to create basic characters, which can be done in minutes by thinking up a good descriptive paragraph to build Primary Attributes, Compound Attributes (descriptors, skills, etc.), and Special Attributes (if applicable). All characters begin play as fresh adventurers, inching closer to becoming veterans in a variety of ways. There are no classes to limit the type of hands-on experience, research, or artistry performed between adventures.

The basic system utilizes two six-sided dice with a difficulty scale to approximate how hard each task is (unless pitted directly against an opponent). Standardized degrees of success can be used to describe the outcomes of most tasks, but also directly affect damage. It has a definite structure yet certain degree of openness for players to choose their own skills and talents, and the gamemaster to impose his own bonuses and penalties through descriptive conditions. There is no claim that this is better than what came before or that it is revolutionary. It is simply my take on fantasy, and a natural evolution of my design process, inspired by elements from genreDiversion, MasterBook, Story Engine, and other Precis Intermedia titles. It is the system that I want to run and hope others can appreciate it.

Bear in mind that this is the first volume. It is a primer for the game system. The four basic fantasy races (called cultures) are included, as is everything you need to start playing. This volume, however, does not contain any rules for magic, as that is intended to be included in the next volume along with more cultures and other material. This is not the end product, rather a first step into a new set of rules and style of design.