Tactical Assault – Experience Cards (2011)

The Tactical Assault – Experience Cards are a fun and easy way to add combat training and battlefield experience to your Combat or Fantasy Card units. The Experience Cards allow players to customize their units in either game by adding an experience characteristic which affects a unit’s performance on the battlefield.

The Experience Cards come with a carefully constructed 72-card deck which allows players to either deliberately or randomly assign experience ratings to their units, rules for units to advance their ratings through campaign play and hard earned battlefield improvements, as well as 120 colorful tokens for noting units’ experience rating – either openly, or with hidden values.

Best of all, the Experience Cards fit seamlessly into either your regular Combat Cards or Fantasy Cards games without much effort – and they are completely compatible with any other Tactical Assault expansion set! So what are you waiting for? Take a look around and see if you are ready to “Experience” a new challenge…