Swords & Six-Siders Expanded Edition (2020)

Swords & Six-Siders (S&SS) is a rules-lite fantasy roleplaying game inspired by the earliest of tabletop RPGs (0E, BX, and T&T). Unlike typical OSR (Old School Renaissance) games, it relies on a single six-sided die (1d6) and single, expanding monster stat (plus any special abilities), making gameplay quick and easy. It is great for both new roleplayers and old-schoolers alike who are looking to get more gaming done in less time.

This Expanded Edition (5.5×8.5″) compiles all the material from the Core game and Companion book, plus:
New monsters
New and Optional rules
Conversion guide for using other OSR material
Multi-player adventure: The Castle that Fell from the Sky
Solo adventure: Blackbeard’s Riddle
Sample campaign setting: Blackmarsh
Disposable Heroes™ Flat Counter Sampler in two sizes
Compatibility license for creating your own supplemental material
More art in addition to Steve Robertson’s original quirky pieces
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