Strike Legion – The VICAR Project (2015)

The VICAR Project is an expansion for use with the Strike Legion Tactical gaming system that introduces Oversized Vehicles into your tactical gaming battles, along with rules for campaign gaming using the Strike Legion Tactical system. Included in this volume:

Complete rules for using Oversized Vehicles (Signatures -5 to -12 in game terms), along with construction routines for creating your own monster tanks
74 Data Cards representing some of the VICAR, VIPR and conventional combat equipment and personnel units of the North American Union, the Russian Federation, and the People’s Republic of China for use in tabletop games set in an alternate near future
Complete rules for map-based Campaign Games involving ground, naval, air and space-based support forces, including guidelines for resolving combat actions, simple supply rules, and refitting the troops between battles
3 Campaign scenarios: Highland Battle, Ringworld, and Archipelago, with each scenario progressively introducing additional campaign gaming elements
Two sample Campaign Game force rosters with complete force lists for use in the Highland Battle Campaign Scenario
Multiple optional rules for players wanting to incorporate a little more detail into their campaign games
34 additional Data Cards and force organization information for three of the forces introduced in the Strike Legion Tactical Rules Compendium (the Earth Protectorate, the 5th Russik mercenary force, and the alien Derali) that provide more rounded forces for use in the Campaign Scenarios included in the book
9 new tactical battle scenarios that can be called into use under specific Campaign Game situations, or played as stand-alone scenarios
Various Campaign Game forms, markers and charts
Many hours of enjoyable, intense gaming experiences with your gaming group
The VICAR Project is not a stand-alone game; best use of this product can be made by players owning the Strike Legion Tactical Rules Compendium. Players owning the Strike Legion Main Rulebook and its attendant supplements may be able to use some of the materials found in this volume, but no guarantee is made as to compatibility of the products.