Stellar Horizons – The Tyche Expedition (2010)

Stellar Horizons – The Tyche Expedition is the first adventure for Stellar Horizons. The adventure is set out on the frontier halfway between Terran and Sha’kavri space and is designed for a beginning party having less than 50 TXP.

The story arc is made up of three individual adventures that lay out how adventurers journey to an unknown world fraught with danger on the far frontier. They must brave the dangers of life beyond the edge of Human civilization: desparate smugglers, exotic alien life forms, and the natural hazards of space itself.

It also serves as a jumping off point for a new campaign by giving a sector map, full details on the major systems in the area, and major NPC’s. Suggestions for further adventures are also given to enable the adventure to serve as the center for an entire campaign set along the K’puran Route.