Spooked, Inc. – Frightfully Scenematic Roleplaying (2022)

When they are trying to sleep, but the house seems to be plagued with lots of eerie noises… When they investigate the noises and find all the cupboard doors swinging open and shut, almost as if in harmony, one right after the other… When they have had enough and it is time to get some help… They grab a smart phone, download the Spooked, Inc. app and hire a qualified team of Advocates to investigate the ghostly encounters and rectify the situation.

Whether dealing with alien abductions, ghostly hauntings, vampires, giant insects, or evil cults, you and your friends must solve such cases as Spooked, Inc. Advocates in this Frightfully Scenematic Roleplaying Game. Perfect for one-shot games or longer series of multiple cases.

Fast-paced, rules-light system focuses on rolling multiple six-sided dice to either lower a scene’s difficulty, or overcome the opposition or a challenge.
Eight Personas are provided as character templates that are ready to use or modify; or create one from scratch.
Includes a number of sample monsters or create your own (or go the mundane route with mortal villains).
Designed to be played in various styles of horror and humor, guidelines for implementing those elements are explained.
A sample case is provided to get you started.
Add spells and monsters from Dark Horrors & Hidden Places (Scenematic Edition).