Seipeal de na Nathrach Part 1 – The Hidden Temple (2004)

The Hidden Temple is the first release in the Seipeal de na Nathrach series of adventures for Iron Gauntlets: Heroic Fantasy Roleplaying. Each separate adventure can either be played on its own or as a piece of the developing story told throughout the series.

The Hidden Temple is a 26-page hack-and-slash, dungeon crawl split up into three levels, and includes new creatures and gimmicks. Mysterious disappearances and rumors of the supernatural have caused a shutdown at a local mining operation. The owners have offered a reward for information and the solution to this problem. Will the heroes stop the disappearances or will they fall prey to whatever is causing them?

Creature stats included with each encounter to make the director’s job easier
Convenient notes assist the director when dealing with rules-specific information, such as tasks, random encounters, traps, and magic items
Interactive rooms which trigger activity in other areas
Multiple levels provide lots of space to explore and lots of creatures to vanquish