Ruthless – Riding Shotgun (2021)

This mini-campaign is structured in five “acts,” or quick scenarios playable in a single evening.

There is a map-based component to this game, representing a cat-and-mouse chase between the Cowboys and the Earp posse.

The Cowboy mission is to escape Cochise County for the relative safety of either the New Mexico Territory or Sonora, Mexico. The Earp player will attempt to track the bandits and bring them to justice before they can flee their jurisdiction!

Divide the players into two teams:
One is given the Cowboy Briefing and the other receives the Earp Briefing. Each team should read and record their decisions before reading or playing each new scenario. Players should refrain from studying individual scenario details beforehand (this preserves some surprises!)

At the end of each act, any characters that were killed are permanently removed from the campaign.