Ruthless (2021)

Ruthless: a complete set of western gunfight rules.

Sequence of play:

At the beginning of a turn, each player is dealt 5 cards.
Choose 1 card face down. The cards are revealed simultaneously. Highest card goes first, allowing that player to take actions with all of their models.
Other players activate in sequence, ending with the lowest card.
The turn ends when all models on the table have taken two actions.
Players end the turn by each replenishing their hand back up to five cards.
In addition to determining initiative, cards can also be played throughout the turn to resolve Snap Shots, Get Your Courage Up, and brawling in Fisticuffs. Some cards have special bonuses when played.

At the end of each turn, both sides roll 1d10. If the roll is less than or equal to the number of your characters currently dead, Lily Livered, or Unconscious, the remaining men skedaddle and the game ends!