Rapid Fire! (1984)

Fast Play WW2 rules at battalion level for 20mm model soldiers and tanks.
Units are represented by model figures. It uses a combination of D6 and D10 to determine the effects of fire and moral. The system uses a ruler to determine movement (decided by the type of suspension used by Vehicles, 9 inches for infantry maximum), which can be affected, by terrain. Infantry and AT fire use slightly different systems (and dice, infantry fore is resolved using the d6 whilst AT fire uses the d10). Indirect fire uses a template to determine where shells land and uses to infantry fire chart to determine effect.

In the game players command units from the various armies forces of WW2. The basic rules come with a few organisation charts (Africa Korps Infantry Battalion, British 25 Pdr Battery, British Guards Motor rifle battalion, German tank company, German Recce Battalion and Luftwaffe Field battalion) it also included scenarios covering the whole war in Europe and Africa. It also included a Hong Kong campaign.