Quicksilver for Pathfinder (2012)

Quicksilver is the fantasy setting (sourcebook) of the Kingdom of Seloria featuring a bizarre living metal and psychic abilities in a medieval realm with (light) elements of horror.

Subjugated Goblins and visiting Elves vie with the ruling humans for possession and mastery of the precious magical metal, Quicksilver! Skilled quicksilversmiths can shape and enchant it with their own psychic power. But beware! The more of it you shape, and the more power you grant it, the more likely it is to awaken – with an inimical mind of its own…

Written and illustrated by Jeff Dee and Talzhemir and Mike Nystul, it features a fantastic cover painting by Denis Loubet!

Note: This product is different from Quicksilver Lite, which is a stand-alone game with the same background and non-Pathfinder rules.