Pocket Universe – Homecoming (2003)

Pocket Universe – Homecoming is a short, introductory adventure designed for three to seven beginning Pocket Universe characters.

Returning defeated and demoralized at the hands of the aggressive Hykolaran Empire, our small band of friends can think of nothing more than family, friends and home. But a chance meeting with the town drunk foretells dangerous times ahead. Bandits!

A vicious group of bandits and their two-headed monstrous pets have taken up residence in the area and have taken an unhealthy interest in the small village of Zarikath. Can the weary war veterans rouse themselves for one more battle, this time for their very homes!

Pocket Universe is a complete role-playing game system that won’t strain your brain, your muscles, or your wallet.

Pocket Universe is designed by Jeff Dee, former TSR artist and creator of Villains & Vigilantes and Warchest.