Ostfront United States Armed Forces (2016)

Ostfront United States Armed Forces book covers the vehicles and forces of the United States in World War 2. From the basic infantryman, to the mighty Pershing Tank, from the M8 Greyhound armored car to the T34 Calliope rocket-launching Sherman variant. Every unit a U.S. commander could want is covered, allowing for a wide range of forces to be built.

The United States Armed Forces list covers the 3 main period of the war; early, mid and late, and covers the evolution of the units over that time. It covers artillery, air support and defense, various light vehicles, 3 types of infantry, and the many tanks available to the United States during the war. This Book has a detailed description of each unit, describing their abilities and special rules, as well as quick reference tables at the back, covering the various weapons and units available at a glance, and perfect for building army lists from, or for checking stats during play.