Mythos (2017)

Welcome to Mythos, a H.P. Lovecraft inspired 1920’s horror skirmish game.

In Providence U.S.A a City like many other, the stage is set for what could be the first battle for the very survival of every last man, woman and child of Humanity. A war is coming, though not like the one that ended but a few years ago. An ancient being stirs in the deep, something so powerful that if it were to awaken, it would wipe out Humanity in the blink of an eye.

​The Sea Queen has been given the task and sent forth her best, they have made their way to land and now walk amongst you attempting to blend in as they scout this world above the water.

Other creatures born in the wild have been drawn to the area, the woods and forests are their realm and they are fiercely protective of them. They strengthen their numbers with sacrificial magic and awaken the old things of the forest best left sleeping.

Guardians from a long past age have been shipped by chance or fate to the town, their chittering growing in volume as they begin to awaken from their hibernation.

Cultists find key points of power for summoning. Their decades long work finally paying dividends as they close on the secret to moving beyond human form and finding the path of enlightenment that will see them become gods.

And finally, the defenders of Humanity, long since forgotten but still ever vigilant. The prophets have spoken, the signs of something dark and powerful are plain to see and they will not stand idly by but will fight to their dying breath against the coming darkness.

This skirmish game will see two or more players take to the table top to play one of the core game types, or one of the story solo/campaign games of Mythos.
Each faction member is unique, coming not only with their own stats, Mythos abilities and traits but also a second side to their nature. Some will reveal this as insanity takes hold, others will be triggered by certain effects and interactions. Each turn players will alternate their activation’s using up all the action points of each character. ‘Live combat’ will see that not every fight goes your way even if you started it, blasting your foes with ranged or arcane attacks may see them dodge away, taking that valuable item with them as they do.

Balancing your Mythos use will be key, as each point spent also takes away a point of sanity and once you go insane there’s no coming back but it’s not always a bad thing.

So, are you up for the challenge, to take the fight to your faction’s enemies, to put the objective before all else and push past your sanity threshold until all you see is red and insanity takes you?

Yes, then welcome to Mythos!