MM&M – The Werewolf of Europe (2024)

Precis Intermedia brings back this classic roleplaying adventure for Man, Myth & Magic and Timeship (originally published by Yaquinto Publications in 1982).

The pale, full moon begins to rise, heralding another night of terror in the small, isolated village of Tharn Grivet. Along with your hastily assembled comrades, you check your seemingly useless weapons before posting guards and going to bed. Laying on your raised pallet, your mind is filled with the horror that grips this place. Somewhere nearby, a monster, virtually immune to weapons and magic alike, is waiting to kill again. Each morning brings the discovery of a new, mangled body. Today, the victim had been one of your comrades on guard during the predawn hours.

Suddenly, the night is shattered by a shrill of howling. Grimly determined and sickeningly afraid, you leap from your bed, grab your pitiful weapons, and move out into the eerie night. As your small group assembles, faces are filled with resolve. There have been too many deaths already, there can be no more. Tonight, for better or for worse, you will find… The Werewolf of Europe.

This adventure requires the original Man, Myth & Magic or Timeship boxed set, or Classic Reprint of either.

This Classic Reprint was created using Precis Intermedia’s new advanced scan-to-layout system. Rather than being a series of touched-up scanned pages, the content has been converted to text and made to look like the original. There will be some differences from the original, such as corrected typos and layout issues. Put simply, this book behaves like something created with modern desktop publishing software, yet looks very much like the original.